Thursday, October 23, 2008

1) He knew it was the hospital interface,
2) icons for the background pattern were confusing him since it has no function because it has more color.
3) the icons had to be more organized.

1)she did not understand why turtle is placed in the hospital room, also she did not know what is this interface is for.
2)panic button was confusing her. she was wondering if it really works.
3)she suggest us to move the panic button and organize the interface to easy to use.

1) He thought it was a lens pharmacy, because it has eye check at the background.
2) colors in this interface are unmatched and made him uncomfortable
3)he said we could make the object itself to work as the icon instead of using the text at the background. he think it was ugly.

User testing examples.

1 User when he looked at the interface he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
He started rolling over the different icons to see if they would do anything.
Basically from looking from his response he seemed disappointed.

2. I asked him what his response was to what he was seeing.
He said he isn’t clear what he is suppose to do. He wanted to know what was the deal with the turtle. Why was there a red mark on the map.
3 User was definitely confused.
4 The user just wanted something more functional and icons that made more sense.

Second User
1. User can’t tell. His honest reaction was he said it feels like a video game.
2. What was confusing?
User thought that the color of the hospital was not clear to him. So he couldn’t make out that it was a hospital.
3. The user wants something more simple . Maybe one button can start the user off, or lead you to other buttons.
4. Option B Give a introduction or a small animation of the turtle. That show’s him walking into the hospital. Turtle should have more details.

Third User
1 User wasn’t sure if the building was a hospital. He basically made an educated guess.
2. The user though the interface was for a video game. User #2 also came to the same conclusion based on looking at the remote control.
Also the user thought the Turtle represented the red cross on the hospital. User made the assumption that it was an x represented on a map.
3 User said the interface was confusing. User basically said the message was not clear.
4 He would want the user to click on something and possibly it would take you some where else.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Interaction Field related research assigment.

Interaction Field related research assignment.

Subject: Toy V.Smile: Whiz Kid Wheels

Age group between 3-8 years old.
Links :

We chose this example of interactive kids game because the goal of the book, is to educate while children go on adventures, and have fun learning. The book focuses on math, logic, spelling, vocabulary, spatial skills and environmental awareness.
There are short games that focus on a one particular object of the game, to make it easy for the child to grasp the concept.
The main point of this game that will be great for the child is that each Smartrigde works with the Vsmile Tv learning system and also is portable. Lastly Smartridges games are positive and non violent.