Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ILM submission work.

I'm posting work that I have done from the last semester 2010 to the present.
I will also be putting up new work on my thesis blog as well.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Final Style sheets/ shot list board

Entry Blog updagte Log: 4/4/2010

Weeks 11, 12 animation checks ups.

Week 13 animation should be completed. I made some changes
3D production took longer than expected. The animation for Thesis 2010-2011 currently
is in work and progress.

The rest of the summer I will be focusing on just animating the story sequences properly.

Week 14 I worked on more motion test and working out how text will effect this

1. robot traveling through space.

Further down I tried playing around with color. I want to see how the city would look.
Production schedule: I would like to run a motion tests starting this week.

A new production time line will be made for the summer. The summer will be used to starting breaking down the animation into sections to work on.